Yo Yo Yo. So I know technically I should have posted month two in december. But guess what?! I DIDN'T. I am actually sorry. Sincerely. Shizzle got a little crazy in the run up to christmas. However I am now here! Updating yooooou, showing you pictures of my icky faaaace. YAY! I've combined months 2 and 3 as essentially nothing changed between them really... you'll see...
Big thing to note before we get down to it is that my dosage was increased from 20mg p/day to 60mg p/day at the beginning of month two. If you get on ok with the 20mg p/day then its pretty standard practice from them to up the anti. It's important that you know this as it was month two when I really started to notice some real side effects and thats likely down to the increase in the amount of this shit I had pumping through my system.
The Reaction
I've never been one to hydrate anywhere other than my face because I haven't really needed to. Alas this is no more. My elbows especially became painfully dry and my shins did that sort of weird scaly thing. Do you know what I mean? Where it looks almost liked cracked sand in the desert? Like that. It's not unbearable though, and as long as I go at the buggers with targeted 'for dry skin' moisturiser once a day and have a some sort of super powered beasty tucked about my person (e.g. Elizabeth Arden's 8 hour cream) to top my arm knees up (arm knees - tumblr's answer to 'what is an elbow?') I'm all good.
Something that was also brand new to me was the appearance on my forearms of tiny little itchy patches of skin. A sort of very mild yet visible rash. At first I only had a couple of occurrences of this on each arm and they seemed to piss off after a few days, quicker if I treated them with a dab of ointment or something. Towards the end of month three though this worsened and became more frequent. Again, it's cope-able, nothing to make me throw the pills in the air and run for the hills.
Month three has brought with it dry eyes. I wear contacts so my eyes are lacking moisture most days anyway but on certain days now it's really bad. I got's drops though! Contact lens friend ones! Plus I'm making more of an effort to wear my fishbowl glasses (I'm almost blind...) on the regular, which my optician will be super happy about. Whoop!
The last real physical negative side effect is fatigue. I am bloomin' shattered. All the time. Lots and lots. Like the energy has been drained from my life source or something. That could be aliens though I guess. They like doing that sort of thing right?
Now I didn't think I'd ever being saying this... but a positive *YES POSITIVE* side effect has been that my hair, which previously would become greasy at the roots after a day or two, can now easily go two or three days without needing a wash. The lightest spritz of some dry shampoo just to jazz shit up again and I'm good to go. Not guna argue with that!
That's about it really, lips are the same, still dry, really dry, still blistexing the fuck outta them. No change in mood really. Normal hormonal lumps and bumps but nothing crazy. Not that I've noticed anyway. Month three in comparison to month one does have a lot more going on, but I'm ok. I'm doing it. IT'S GOING TO BE OK.
The Results
I wasn't really expecting any real improvement on month two and I didn't see any. At the end of month three though I feel like there's been a slight change. I've not have any real new breakouts and the spots I started with are lessening and fading. I knew It'd be a few months before I saw results so this kinda surprised me a bit. My skins surface has started to even out for the first time in years. A definate change has also been that I'm now fully a 'dry skin' gal, not an oily T-zone in site! No doubt about that. I was struggling at first as the moisturisers I owned were targeted at sensitive, acne prone skin, so they weren't really doing the job. Thankfully after some searching and googling and a bit of pot luck I found a wicked one in the Eucerin Dry Skin Replenishing Cream. That stuff is DA BOMB.
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So there ya go. Months two and three done and dusted. We are making progress people! Slow, dry progress but PROGRESS!
Hi! I’ve read and loved your blog for ages, but I’ve always been a bit too nervous to comment, so forgive me if this is the most awkward and incoherent thing you’ve ever read.
ReplyDeleteI figured I might be able to offer a bit of help on the dry skin front, as it's plagued me for ages! Cortisone cream is your life saver -- I always keep a tube of 1% on me at all times (I forgot it once when I moved into my dorm at school and it was an awful few days before I got it back). If you pop some of that on any dry spots before you moisturize it helps loads!
I assume what was on your arms was some type of eczema (I’m no doctor, but your description sounds very familiar) and cortisone cream will help with that as well. I used to get it on my arms and even now when the patches aren’t there I’ll pop a bit of ointment/cortisone under my moisturizer because that usually keeps them at bay for a bit longer than usual. If the patches get really bad, a bit of cortisone/ointment, moisturizer, and some Vaseline on top takes them away overnight! I have super sensitive skin and I’m allergic to many skincare products, but I’ll even put some cortisone on any exceptionally dry patches on my face as well and it takes them away overnight, with no bad reaction.
I hope this could help a little bit! I figure if I could share a few of the things I’ve learned, maybe they’d benefit you as well (or not). Anyways, I think your skin looks lovely (I can see an improvement and I’m impressed)! Best of luck on the rest of this journey!
Allie x
Hey Allie,
DeleteLord bless you for bing nervous. Never be nervous! I don't bite. And if the internet dares to go near you with anything but love I'll smash it with a hammer.
CORTISONE! OF COURSE! Dammit I totally mind blanked on good ol' cortisone. I'm guna grab some asap fo shizzle. Huge thank you for the tip off. I've been lathering on a bunch of sensitive skin suitable moisturisers.
I guess the rash is eczema. Hopefully it'll just bugger off when I finish the course of roaccutane. We'll see!
Skin is getting there. It's looking better everyday now! YAY!
Hope your skin starts behaving itself soon lovely.
Stay wicked. Jx
What is important it's to clean and say goodbye to acne . It's really hard but every progress it's a victory . And we will be victorious . You are so much better ,and you will notice every difference . And be proud of yourself.
ReplyDeleteThats really what will help you to still doing this medication and know this is just a phase.
I know that in adult age is more difficult , so me and my parents decided to do it now .
( I felt the fadigue , I felt so anxious about everything . I was not able to focus in things that I should . And the headaches were regular. Almost everyday. The dry skin , lips , eyes and hair too . I use the cream cold and lip balm from Avene and save me from some situations . But I want to change . And thank you for remember me that exists the dry shampoo)
Carolina , almost 17 years old X
Hells yeah! SO LONG SUCKER.
DeleteI really hope the tiredness gets better for you Carolina. It must be hard to go through all this when you are only 16. It's hard enough at 25! (ok ok ... I'm 26 now :S !)
I've found Eucerin really suits me. And gentle cleansers only. My face is actually fine in terms of dryness. Its the lips and the rash that are irritating. But you are so right... EVERY LITTLE VICTORY!
So good that you have a positive attitude. Keep it going girl! Sorting it out now means your set for the future which is awesome. Support for your parents is excellent too. So glad to here you have people looking out for you!
I wish you all the best and I'm sending good vibes your way. Jxxx
Thank you so so much !
DeleteIt's hard , but I can handle with Isotretinoin ! Those side effects will not win oh . Neither with you ! ( oh , Happy 26 years old ! )
( the lips are really irritating but the fact that your face is fine in terms of dryness is really good. Hope you are better of tiredness .But you will see, the tiredness will leave you and you will get better and better, you will see ).
Janna , you will be alright . We will . Every Victory !
A positive attitude it's the key ,isn't it ? I hope you are positive about this thing too . And the rest .
Oh , and I promise I will keep this attitude. I need to. I hope you're right about the future Janna , because Im really afraid.
Same for you Janna and happy moments with isotretinoin too ! You deserve it !
Thank you really ! You really helped me. X
DeleteI'm super positive actually. Really havent had an issue with it at all. I knew the risks but have kept a positive head on and I think that's really helped with not succumbing to any nasty side effects... depression etc.
Don't be afraid. Never be afraid. Believe everything will be ok and generally it is!
You've got the right attitude, now loose the fear and get out there girl! ROCK IT. xx
Yay - it's really good that you're seeing results! Your side effects don't seem that bad - definitely bearable and treatable! I really hope your experience keeps heading on this upward trend :)
ReplyDeleteTasha // shiwashiful.
Thank you Tasha! It's not so bad. The tiredness gets me and makes me a bit irritable I guess but apart from that I'm all good. Into my last couple of months now which is exciting! YAY!
DeleteThank you for the continued support!
Hey Janna!
ReplyDeleteVery glad to see it’s been working great for you. The pictures are definitely showing an improvement, have you been surprised that you already noticed a difference within the first three months? My doctor told me it could take up to six month to see changes.
Speaking of it – I finally got on it, too! After a lot of struggles and discussions I started Roaccutane in November with 20mg and got dosed up on 40 now. Haven’t noticed any difference with the acne but my skin got very, very dry after a few days and the lips..hell they’re dry. Still have to figure out what kind of alcohol I can drink without getting totally loopy, or I have to stay sober-Tequila and beer weren’t working that well :D What annoys me the most is the tiredness? I feel like I can’t think straight and getting motivated for things has been really difficult lately, I just want to stay in bed all day. Really need to sort that out!
I’m also using the MAC Studio Fix (NC15 gal-yep, ghost face :D) – do you still use it. I haven’t found a way to put it on without looking cakey, cause my skin is that dry. Special primer or technique?
So, glad to see you’re back, love your posts and honesty. Don’t worry about being away-you’re having a life next to this and need time for yourself. That’s gonna sound quite cheesy but as your blog isn’t that known (yet-it’ll come; don’t take this the wrong way!!), it’s so nice to actually “talk” to the blogger and maybe get to know her a bit. Stay strong and keep your head up sweetheart <3
Elli X
I'm getting there.
DeleteI was totally shocked to start seeing a difference. I'm into month 4 now and I'm nearly clear! It's amazing.
Ah! You're on it toooooo! Well all the best to you my love! I'll be doing a post about products I've used and all that type of shiz soonish. But Like I mentioned, EUCERIN is the one. Seriously good shit. the 5% urea (eww) day creama nd then the night version. Both marvels. Plus the bodyshop aloe restoring mask. Seriously good! An overnight mask like the origins drink up is a good thing to go with too.
I still use my Mac Studio Fix. As long as my face is suitably moisturised it goes on fine with my (clean!) fingers. If you are having trouble though maybe a buffing brush might help give you less of a cakey consistency? I guess my face isn't really 'dry' its just everywhere else... haha. So for me the flakeyness isn't an issue. Concentrate on injecting moisture back into your skin. Makeup needs a decent surface to work with. I wouldn't suggest a primer for acne prone skin as it wont help matters in all likelihood. I've started using some professional on very special occasions but I'd not use it daily.
I know what you mean about the tiredness / bed thing. I've found myself struggling quite a bit. The week is fine as I have work and well... you cant do that from under the duvet... I can't anyway. haha. Weekends I make sure I've got plans / goals etc for what I'm wanting to achieve and that works at getting me up and about. I'm knackered by the end of the day but I just tell myself 'It's not forever!'
Thank you so much for the nice words. You lovely little bean! I started the blog after spending long days on bed rest reading others a few years ago. I wanted to reach out and give back I guess. I'd spend my days pouring over reviews and lifestyle pieces and it was one of the only things I could physically do at the time. I'm not blogging as a career, I'm just hoping people enjoy my content! So it's damned lovely to hear that you do! Jx
DeleteI’ve always used the Real Techniques Buffing or Expert face brush for applying the Studio Fix. Tried my fingers the last couple of days – so, so nice! Thank you very much! It’s not dry overall, just some patches, but cause it’s quite sensitive I don’t want to scrub a harsh exfoliator on it, I’ve got the Body Shop Aloe one for sensitive skin and some Panthenol cream, it’s getting better
Be careful with the Cortisone cream! It can make your skin getting thinner, hyperpigmentated and the blood vessels pop out (I did some Biochemestry at uni).
Ahh, thank you Just though I’d let you know and yes, I do really enjoy reading your posts.
How is your job going, Do you still work on a freelance basis?
Elli X
Hi Janna its Ally,
ReplyDeleteI replied to your message about being on roaccutane but posted it on ur 1 month post instead of this one by mistake so u will be able to read it under that reply feed! I'm on month 5 now and I'm pretty much clear. Woo hoo!
CLEAR SKIN WIN! (found your other comment ;) ) Jx
DeleteFab! And yes I shall repeat...............GIN WIN! GIN is always a winner. GIN FOR THE WIN!!
DeleteOk.......I'll go get a life now!
Ally x
Hi Janna, in reference to the comment that suggested cortisone ointment, my doctor told me to always, always moisturize over that with Dermaveen moisturizer (if you can get it where you live) it's made with oats, which kind of sounds like it would sit disgustingly on your skin, but it's amazing and has the best cooling effect on any rashes or dermatitis.
ReplyDeleteAnother suggestion I have is pawpaw ointment, sometimes applying cortisone is just inconvenient because of how sticky and messy it is, and pawpaw ointment, though it won't cure it, it will stop the uncomfortable feeling until cortisone can be applied, it smells great (I honest cannot stand the smell of pawpaw, but the ointment is amazing) and doesn't leave sticky residue, and it is also the best lip balm product, so hydrating. If you ever take a tip from the Aussies, make it pawpaw ointment (I think Lucas Pawpaw Ointment would be available somewhere over there, or online, it can't just be an Australian thing)
Teetree oil is also supposedly good for skin, but it never worked for me in the long term.
Good luck with it all, apologies in advance for any spelling/Grammar issues, my phone has a mind of it's own.