Lets Shake Shit Up Together.

So you've made it to my little slice of internet pie (yummy), and now you want to know who it is that's feeding you this some what garbled load of information, reviews, recipes and ramblings. 
Well that'd be me. Hey! Howdy! Aaaaaalrighty then!

You can gather most of what I'm about via my personal twitter feed. @jannabartlett


  1. You are one of my biggest inspirations! I love all your reviews, and ramblings! I've run out to the shops to pick things up that you have reviewed almost immediately (in Canada we don't have exactly the same stuff) The matte physicians formula quad is the best eye shadow i have used, perfect formula, and I wasn't disappointed in using it after reading your review. Those few days your blog was down were such a stressful time. Glad to see your back! Keep doing you! xx

    1. Well ain't you a peach! Thank you for being so lovely my dear. Never get stressed about the blog being down though girl. The internet is full of crazy good shit! I'm sporadic when it comes to posting due to work commitments and shizzle so apologies for no real regularity in terms of a schedule.

      Stay wicked pal! x

  2. Hi janna ! You're completly awesome! I love all your post( great work ! Don't worry you're the best)
    you're so beautiful and love your hair,I like so much Bastille and Banks, also . You're incredible....XXXX

  3. Janna you are a very inspirational woman! �� Love your style as well keep up the good work! ������
