Monday, 22 September 2014

Aveeno - Daily Moisturising Lotion

I'm a moisturising whore. I mean... moisturiser whore? Moisturised whore? Whatever... I get about a bit when it comes to those products aimed at keeping my skin super smooth rather than scaled and flakey. I think, however, I've finally found a long term partner... Seriously, I'm guna put a ring on this shiz.

The Aveeno Daily Moisturising Lotion is just that. It's an everyday body moisturiser. The kind you shove on in the morning after a shower or before bed or whenever it is you like to rub yourself all over with goo.

There's a bunch of guff on the packaging about 'finely-milled naturally active Colloidal Oatmeal with rich emollients'. Well... I have no idea about that and I can't be bothered to google it because frankly I don't need to. I love this stuff. It works. It absorbs easily and quickly, leaves my skin feeling really soft but not greasy at all and the moisture seems to stick around all day. Even better there's no real scent to this stuff. A slight undertone of something akin to the body shop shea butter maybe but only if you sniff really freakin' hard and shove your arm or leg or whatever right under your nose.

This stuff is no nonsense, no bells, no whistles, just wicked. It's £7.65 for 300ml from Boots, but I tend to grab mine when it's on offer to save on the pennies. Yay!

Being the slut that I am I'll still be trying out different moisture promising products but this is absolutely a staple in my hydrating arsenal now. We in it for da long haul bitches. xxx


  1. I abso-toooootly love this goopy goo. I have an oily face, and I just dab a bit on my face for the long day and it works like a charm. I don't know the exact science behind this...but I don't ask questions. ALSO, this stuff is a God sent during the harsh Minnesota winters (I'm talking -40 below pals). I basically become Godzilla during these 3-5 months of the year. RAWR, frightening I know. But I rub this stuff all over muh bod and it makes my skin oh so happy during the winters. I give this stuff two t-rex fist pumps.

    PS - Glad to see you back! :)


    1. I've never really thought about shoving it on my face! Maybe I shall give it a go. I've just started taking Roaccutane which is going to throw everything out of whack in the skin moisture department I'm sure. If this stuff sees you through marsh winters maybe it'll help me!

      Double t-rex fist pump ! xxx

      p.s. thank you chick! got there in the end ;)
