Thursday, 6 June 2013

Liz Earle Botanical Essence #100

Liz Earle is a name many a skincare fanatic will be well associated with. Their cleanse and hot polish system has practically achieved cult status within the blogging world but did you know as well as buffing and painting our faces to the point of perfection the brand also wants to get us smelling fantastic? 

Liz Earle Botanical Essence No. 100 is the third offering from the fragrance line, and in my opinion its also the best. I tried to get along with both No.1 and No.15 but to be quite frank, I found both to be a little overpowering and somewhat headache inducing, and they reminded me a little of my nan...

This fresh and fruity scent was created in partnership with the Royal Horticultural Society to celebrate the centenary of the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, and boy can you tell! I absolutely love it. It's wonderfully evocative of spring, floral without being sweet, and ladies and gents, it lasts! 

When you walk into florists, sometimes the smell can be almost like an assault on your poor little shnoz, it can knock you back, make you feel giddy. Well this isn't that, its more like taking a stroll through a flowering spring meadow at dawn, a light breeze caressing your face, accompanied by bird song, woodland creatures frolicking around you... get the picture. Its light and fresh but defined. Not one of those scents that you have to tell people your wearing because its so subtle your laundry detergent has managed to mask it. If you get a chance to have a sample spritz net time your in John Lewis I recommend doing so, you might just end up walking out with an extra spring in your step.

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