Sunday, 7 April 2013

Bacon & Egg Breakfast Bread Cups

Night Out? House Party? Living Room stacked high with slumbering bodies all secreting sweat thats probably about 90% alcohol? Yeah, me too.

On those sunday mornings when all you want to do is get the hungover masses, about,and most importantly out of your house so you can watch friends re-runs and drink vast amounts of tea in peace, this is your new shining light.

Not only does this super scrummy breakfast offering look impressive but it's so damn easy to do that even if you are, in fact, actually still drunk from the previous nights escapades (shouldn't have had those last 3 tequila shots should you? hummm.), you're still guna ace it. So put the headache on hold for a half hour, whip up a batch, serve with orange juice and tell those freeloading mates of yours to eat up and shove off.

The quantities below makes two cups, which I'd say is enough for one person, so just multiple by the number of eye bagged, sorrow-filled buddies you're attempting to fuel.


2 X Rashers of Bacon (Smoked or Unsmoked)
2 X Eggs
2 X Slices of Bread (Whatever variety you prefer)

You'll also need a rolling pin, a frying pan and muffin tin.

Pop your oven up to around 180º C / 356º F

Get your frying pan, slap the bacon in there and start cooking, you'll need a little oil to stop it sticking. Keep an eye on it while taking a rolling pin to your bread, steam roller those slices till they are nice and flat then lightly butter both sides. Grab your muffin tin, use a slice of bread per slot (yeah I'm going with 'slot' here), you want to create a case out of the bread by pushing it into the slot and there needs to be no holes. I tend to rip the slice of bread in half, lay the halves in a cross, push these down and maneuver the sticky out bits together to make a real nice cup shape. Set aside.

Once your bacon's well done and turning crispy but isn't stiff whip it out the pan and use scissors or a knife to chop it up into a few smaller bits. Push the bacon into the buttery bread cups, then break an egg carefully into each cup. Season to taste with a little salt and pepper.

Stick your marvelous creation into the oven for around 15-20 mins or until the egg white is solid. Removed from the oven, gasp at the sheer awesomeness of your achievement, serve and enjoy the round of feeble applause as your guests tuck in.

When the last forkful has disappeared, kick em all out and set up camp on your sofa. #Winning.

Recipe adapted from Domestic Sluttery.

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