My hair hates me. No seriously it does and with good reason. Throughout school and college I used to straighten the shit out of it and though I left it alone for most of uni minus the occasional dye job and curling session, I'd wash it every day as it's rather fine and the roots tend to get greasy easily.
I'm now 24 and for the past year or so I've been dyeing my naturally mousey brown hair blonde. It started off as a sort of 'fields of gold' colour, you could almost imagine the Von Trap family running through it laughing and singing. A year on and I have managed to go gradually lighter so I'm now sporting an ash blonde look, which I think suits my extremely pale complexion and blue eyes. OK there may also be a shock of bright pink and a streak of bright blue in there too, but hey, you only live once people. I hardly ever style my hair with tongs or straighteners these days and I only wash it every other day, but I do always blow dry it to some extent and the blonde requires regular dye jobs. The Result? Dry, brittle hair that can somewhat resemble split ended straw if you look closely.
It got to the point about a month ago when I was on the brink of heading to the hairdressers and getting them to return me to my mousey roots just to get my poor tresses a rest. They were in such bad condition that I could twist my hair up, tuck it into itself and it would stay as though I had fixed it with grips. Yummy. I started researching and was about to fork out on a range of Moroccan Oil products when L'oreal's Mythic Oil caught my eye. After some studying of reviews and a startling realisation that this stuff is less than half the price of the Moroccan Oil (£13.95 on for 125ml of product in comparison to £30.45 for 100ml of Moroccan Oil) I thought it was worth giving it a go before dropping serious dough.
Basically boys and girls, I love this stuff. My hair is noticeably softer, shinier, more manageable, and the effects even last on the days I don't wash it. This oil deserves its mythical status, it has saved my hair. If you're looking for something to help condition the lengths/ends of your own mane then look no further.
I pop a few pumps of this stuff into my palms, rubbing my hands together lightly just to warm it for a second and then, starting at the ends of my hair I just sort of grab sections in a milking type motion (sounds gross I know but that's the only way I can think of describing it), I move up the lengths of and finally run my hands haphazardly through the hair near my roots to make sure all the oil is off them. I tend to do this after I've showered and held my hair up in a towel for a few minutes, that way its damp rather than wet and I feel like the towel holds a bit of heat in and maybe the oil is absorbed slightly better? That could be complete bull shit but it works for me.
Go forth all ye with troublesome tresses and conquer!